daily reading 41.5 (Colossians 2:13–15)
5-days-a-week through Romans and the letters Paul wrote from Rome in 2024
Our opening prayer for this week:
Love is the gracious gift of your goodness;
Love is the patient fruit of your care;
Love is the gentle work of your Spirit,
Who is the source of love everywhere.
You loved me first, Lord, sending me Jesus,
Then I responded, trusting your Son.
Now you invite me to love my neighbor,
Showing your true love to everyone.
Love means forgiveness patience and kindness,
Love is not jealous, boastful or rude.
Love endures all things, bearing, believing;
Love hopes forever, rejoices in truth.
Love in a marriage, love freely given,
Love of a husband, love of a wife—
Made to continue, blossom and flourish,
Grow ever deeper throughout this life.
Love among Christians, love in the family
Love for the Savior whose blood was shed,
Love and submission one to another
As unto Christ, who reigns as our head. Amen.
Colossians 2:13–15
- And when you were dead in trespasses and in the uncircumcision of your flesh, he made you alive with him and forgave us all our trespasses.
- 14 He erased the certificate of debt, with its obligations, that was against us and opposed to us, and has taken it away by nailing it to the cross. 15 He disarmed the rulers and authorities and disgraced them publicly; he triumphed over them in him.
helpful notes on Colossians 2:13–15
For yourself pray
- That God fills you with hope in Christ and takes away your guilty fears
For others pray
- That God gives all things needful to those restoring needed goods and services to all affected by Hurricane Helene and Hurricane Milton
A song to listen to and ponder, as time allows
- Psalm 127 (YouTube, duet, "Unless the Lord builds the house")
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