daily reading 20.4 (Romans 11:25–27)
5-days-a-week through Romans and the letters Paul wrote from Rome in 2024
Our opening prayer for today:
Be now our Joy on earth, O Lord,
And be our future great Reward.
Alleluia! Alleluia!
Then, throned with you forever, we
Shall praise your name eternally.
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
O risen Christ, ascended Lord,
All praise to you let earth accord.
Alleluia! Alleluia!
You are, while endless ages run,
With Father and with Spirit One.
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Amen.
Romans 11:25–27
- I don't want you to be ignorant of this mystery, brothers and sisters, so that you will not be conceited: A partial hardening has come upon Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in.
- 26 And in this way all Israel will be saved, as it is written, The Deliverer will come from Zion; he will turn godlessness away from Jacob.
- 27 And this will be my covenant with them when I take away their sins.
Romans 11:25–27
For yourself pray:
- That God takes away from your record all your sins on the last day through Jesus' blood
For others pray:
- That God saves more Jewish people through faith in his Son
A psalm to listen to and ponder, as time allows:
- Psalm 75 (YouTube, duet, "We give thanks, God")
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