daily reading 5.4 (Romans 3:19–20)
5-days-a-week through Romans and the letters Paul wrote from Rome in 2024 Our opening prayer for this week: Christ, the Lord of hosts, unshaken By the devil’s seething rage, Thwarts the plan of Satan’s minions; Wins the strife from age to age; Conquers sin and death forever; Slams them in their steely cage. John saw Michael waging battle, Soaring angels by his side; Michael fought the ancient serpent, Foiled the dragon, full of pride, Cast him earthbound with his demons. Now he prowls, unsatisfied. Long on earth the battle rages, Since the serpent’s first deceit Twisted God’s command to Adam, Made forbidden fruit look sweet. Then the curse of God was spoken: “You’ll lie crushed beneath his feet!” Jesus came, this word fulfilling, Trampled Satan, death defied; Bore the brunt of our temptation, On the wretched tree he died. Yet to life was raised victorious; By his life our life supplied. Swift as lightning falls the tyrant From his heavenly perch on high, As the word of Jesus’ victory F...