
Showing posts from January, 2024

daily reading 5.4 (Romans 3:19–20)

5-days-a-week through Romans and the letters Paul wrote from Rome in 2024 Our opening prayer for this week: Christ, the Lord of hosts, unshaken By the devil’s seething rage, Thwarts the plan of Satan’s minions; Wins the strife from age to age; Conquers sin and death forever; Slams them in their steely cage. John saw Michael waging battle, Soaring angels by his side; Michael fought the ancient serpent, Foiled the dragon, full of pride, Cast him earthbound with his demons. Now he prowls, unsatisfied. Long on earth the battle rages, Since the serpent’s first deceit Twisted God’s command to Adam, Made forbidden fruit look sweet. Then the curse of God was spoken: “You’ll lie crushed beneath his feet!” Jesus came, this word fulfilling, Trampled Satan, death defied; Bore the brunt of our temptation, On the wretched tree he died. Yet to life was raised victorious; By his life our life supplied. Swift as lightning falls the tyrant From his heavenly perch on high, As the word of Jesus’ victory F...

daily reading 5.3 (Romans 3:13–18)

5-days-a-week through Romans and the letters Paul wrote from Rome in 2024 Our opening prayer for this week: Christ, the Lord of hosts, unshaken By the devil’s seething rage, Thwarts the plan of Satan’s minions; Wins the strife from age to age; Conquers sin and death forever; Slams them in their steely cage. John saw Michael waging battle, Soaring angels by his side; Michael fought the ancient serpent, Foiled the dragon, full of pride, Cast him earthbound with his demons. Now he prowls, unsatisfied. Long on earth the battle rages, Since the serpent’s first deceit Twisted God’s command to Adam, Made forbidden fruit look sweet. Then the curse of God was spoken: “You’ll lie crushed beneath his feet!” Jesus came, this word fulfilling, Trampled Satan, death defied; Bore the brunt of our temptation, On the wretched tree he died. Yet to life was raised victorious; By his life our life supplied. Swift as lightning falls the tyrant From his heavenly perch on high, As the word of Jesus’ victory F...

daily reading 5.2 (Romans 3:10–12)

5-days-a-week through Romans and the letters Paul wrote from Rome in 2024 Our opening prayer for this week: Christ, the Lord of hosts, unshaken By the devil’s seething rage, Thwarts the plan of Satan’s minions; Wins the strife from age to age; Conquers sin and death forever; Slams them in their steely cage. John saw Michael waging battle, Soaring angels by his side; Michael fought the ancient serpent, Foiled the dragon, full of pride, Cast him earthbound with his demons. Now he prowls, unsatisfied. Long on earth the battle rages, Since the serpent’s first deceit Twisted God’s command to Adam, Made forbidden fruit look sweet. Then the curse of God was spoken: “You’ll lie crushed beneath his feet!” Jesus came, this word fulfilling, Trampled Satan, death defied; Bore the brunt of our temptation, On the wretched tree he died. Yet to life was raised victorious; By his life our life supplied. Swift as lightning falls the tyrant From his heavenly perch on high, As the word of Jesus’ victory F...

daily reading 5.1 (Romans 3:9)

5-days-a-week through Romans and the letters Paul wrote from Rome in 2024 Our opening prayer for this week: Christ, the Lord of hosts, unshaken By the devil’s seething rage, Thwarts the plan of Satan’s minions; Wins the strife from age to age; Conquers sin and death forever; Slams them in their steely cage. John saw Michael waging battle, Soaring angels by his side; Michael fought the ancient serpent, Foiled the dragon, full of pride, Cast him earthbound with his demons. Now he prowls, unsatisfied. Long on earth the battle rages, Since the serpent’s first deceit Twisted God’s command to Adam, Made forbidden fruit look sweet. Then the curse of God was spoken: “You’ll lie crushed beneath his feet!” Jesus came, this word fulfilling, Trampled Satan, death defied; Bore the brunt of our temptation, On the wretched tree he died. Yet to life was raised victorious; By his life our life supplied. Swift as lightning falls the tyrant From his heavenly perch on high, As the word of Jesus’ victory F...

daily reading 4.5 (Romans 3:5–8)

5-days-a-week through Romans and the letters Paul wrote from Rome in 2024 Our opening prayer for this week: Christ be my leader by night as by day, Safe through the darkness, for he is the way. Gladly I follow, my future his care; Darkness is daylight when Jesus is there. Christ be my teacher in age as in youth, Drifting or doubting, for he is the truth. Grant me to trust him, though shifting as sand. Doubt cannot daunt me— in Jesus I stand! Christ be my Savior in calm as in strife; Death cannot hold me for he is the life. Nor darkness nor doubting nor sin and its stain Can touch my salvation— with Jesus I reign!  Amen. Romans 3:5 –8 But if our unrighteousness highlights God's righteousness, what are we to say? I am using a human argument: Is God unrighteous to inflict wrath? 6  Absolutely not! Otherwise, how will God judge the world? 7  But if by my lie God's truth abounds to his glory, why am I also still being judged as a sinner? 8  And why not say, just as som...

daily reading 4.4 (Romans 3:1–4)

5-days-a-week through Romans and the letters Paul wrote from Rome in 2024 Our opening prayer for this week: Christ be my leader by night as by day, Safe through the darkness, for he is the way. Gladly I follow, my future his care; Darkness is daylight when Jesus is there. Christ be my teacher in age as in youth, Drifting or doubting, for he is the truth. Grant me to trust him, though shifting as sand. Doubt cannot daunt me— in Jesus I stand! Christ be my Savior in calm as in strife; Death cannot hold me for he is the life. Nor darkness nor doubting nor sin and its stain Can touch my salvation— with Jesus I reign!  Amen. Romans 3:1 –4 What is the benefit of circumcision? 2 Considerable in every way. First, they were entrusted with the very words of God. 3 What then? If some were unfaithful, will their unfaithfulness nullify God's faithfulness? 4 Absolutely not! Let God be true, even though everyone is a liar, as it is written: That you may be justified in your words and triump...

daily reading 4.3 (Romans 2:28–29)

5-days-a-week through Romans and the letters Paul wrote from Rome in 2024 Our opening prayer for this week: Christ be my leader by night as by day, Safe through the darkness, for he is the way. Gladly I follow, my future his care; Darkness is daylight when Jesus is there. Christ be my teacher in age as in youth, Drifting or doubting, for he is the truth. Grant me to trust him, though shifting as sand. Doubt cannot daunt me— in Jesus I stand! Christ be my Savior in calm as in strife; Death cannot hold me for he is the life. Nor darkness nor doubting nor sin and its stain Can touch my salvation— with Jesus I reign!  Amen. Romans 2:28 –29 For a person is not a Jew who is one outwardly, and true circumcision is not something visible in the flesh. 29  On the contrary, a person is a Jew who is one inwardly, and circumcision is of the heart—by the Spirit, not the letter. That person's praise is not from people but from God. Helpful notes on Romans 2:28–29   For yourself pray:...

daily reading 4.2 (Romans 2:25–27)

5-days-a-week through Romans and the letters Paul wrote from Rome in 2024 Our opening prayer for this week: Christ be my leader by night as by day, Safe through the darkness, for he is the way. Gladly I follow, my future his care; Darkness is daylight when Jesus is there. Christ be my teacher in age as in youth, Drifting or doubting, for he is the truth. Grant me to trust him, though shifting as sand. Doubt cannot daunt me— in Jesus I stand! Christ be my Savior in calm as in strife; Death cannot hold me for he is the life. Nor darkness nor doubting nor sin and its stain Can touch my salvation— with Jesus I reign!  Amen. Romans 2:25 –27 Circumcision benefits you if you observe the law, but if you are a lawbreaker, your circumcision has become uncircumcision. 26  So if an uncircumcised man keeps the law's requirements, will not his uncircumcision be counted as circumcision? 27  A man who is physically uncircumcised, but who keeps the law, will judge you who are a lawbrea...

daily reading 4.1 (Romans 2:17–24)

5-days-a-week through Romans and the letters Paul wrote from Rome in 2024 Our opening prayer for this week: Christ be my leader by night as by day, Safe through the darkness, for he is the way. Gladly I follow, my future his care; Darkness is daylight when Jesus is there. Christ be my teacher in age as in youth, Drifting or doubting, for he is the truth. Grant me to trust him, though shifting as sand. Doubt cannot daunt me— in Jesus I stand! Christ be my Savior in calm as in strife; Death cannot hold me for he is the life. Nor darkness nor doubting nor sin and its stain Can touch my salvation— with Jesus I reign!  Amen. Romans 2:17 –24 Now if you call yourself a Jew, and rely on the law, and boast in God, 18 and know his will, and approve the things that are superior, being instructed from the law, 19 and if you are convinced that you are a guide for the blind, a light to those in darkness, 20 an instructor of the ignorant, a teacher of the immature, having the embodiment of ...

daily reading 3.5 (Romans 2:12–16)

  5-days-a-week through Romans and the letters Paul wrote from Rome in 2024 Our opening prayer for this week: To Jordan’s river came our Lord,  The Christ, whom heavenly hosts adored, The God from God, the Light from Light, The Lord of glory, power and might: You, Savior, came to be baptized— You, Son of God, in flesh disguised— To stand beneath the Father’s will And all his promises fulfill. As you in Jordan's water stood  And John baptized you, Lamb of God, The Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove, Descended on you from above. Then from God’s throne with thunderous sound Came God’s own voice with words profound: “This is my Son,” was his decree, “The One I love, who pleases me.” The Father’s word, the Spirit’s flight Anointed you in glorious sight As God’s own choice, from Adam’s fall To save the world and free us all. O Spirit, make me resolute: This man is Christ, my substitute! You came on him in Jordan’s stream. The Father called him Lord supreme. Amen. Romans 2:12 –16 All wh...

daily reading 3.4 (Romans 2:9–11)

5-days-a-week through Romans and the letters Paul wrote from Rome in 2024 Our opening prayer for this week: To Jordan’s river came our Lord,  The Christ, whom heavenly hosts adored, The God from God, the Light from Light, The Lord of glory, power and might: You, Savior, came to be baptized— You, Son of God, in flesh disguised— To stand beneath the Father’s will And all his promises fulfill. As you in Jordan's water stood  And John baptized you, Lamb of God, The Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove, Descended on you from above. Then from God’s throne with thunderous sound Came God’s own voice with words profound: “This is my Son,” was his decree, “The One I love, who pleases me.” The Father’s word, the Spirit’s flight Anointed you in glorious sight As God’s own choice, from Adam’s fall To save the world and free us all. O Spirit, make me resolute: This man is Christ, my substitute! You came on him in Jordan’s stream. The Father called him Lord supreme. Amen. Romans 2:9 –11  There wi...

daily reading 3.3 (Romans 2:5–8)

5-days-a-week through Romans and the letters Paul wrote from Rome in 2024 Our opening prayer for this week: To Jordan’s river came our Lord,  The Christ, whom heavenly hosts adored, The God from God, the Light from Light, The Lord of glory, power and might: You, Savior, came to be baptized— You, Son of God, in flesh disguised— To stand beneath the Father’s will And all his promises fulfill. As you in Jordan's water stood  And John baptized you, Lamb of God, The Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove, Descended on you from above. Then from God’s throne with thunderous sound Came God’s own voice with words profound: “This is my Son,” was his decree, “The One I love, who pleases me.” The Father’s word, the Spirit’s flight Anointed you in glorious sight As God’s own choice, from Adam’s fall To save the world and free us all. O Spirit, make me resolute: This man is Christ, my substitute! You came on him in Jordan’s stream. The Father called him Lord supreme. Amen. Romans 2:5 –8  Because o...

daily reading 3.2 (Romans 2:1–4)

5-days-a-week through Romans and the letters Paul wrote from Rome in 2024 Our opening prayer for this week: To Jordan’s river came our Lord,  The Christ, whom heavenly hosts adored, The God from God, the Light from Light, The Lord of glory, power and might. You, Savior, came to be baptized— You, Son of God, in flesh disguised— To stand beneath the Father’s will And all his promises fulfill. As you in Jordan's water stood  And John baptized you, Lamb of God, The Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove, Descended on you from above. Then from God’s throne with thunderous sound Came God’s own voice with words profound: “This is my Son,” was his decree, “The One I love, who pleases me.” The Father’s word, the Spirit’s flight Anointed you in glorious sight As God’s own choice, from Adam’s fall To save the world and free us all. O Spirit, make me resolute: This man is Christ, my substitute! You came on him in Jordan’s stream. The Father called him Lord supreme. Amen. Romans 2:1 –4 Therefore, ever...

daily reading 3.1 (Romans 1:28–32)

5-days-a-week through Romans and the letters Paul wrote from Rome in 2024 Our opening prayer for this week: To Jordan’s river came our Lord,  The Christ, whom heavenly hosts adored, The God from God, the Light from Light, The Lord of glory, power and might. You, Savior, came to be baptized— You, Son of God, in flesh disguised— To stand beneath the Father’s will And all his promises fulfill. As you in Jordan's water stood  And John baptized you, Lamb of God, The Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove, Descended on you from above. Then from God’s throne with thunderous sound Came God’s own voice with words profound: “This is my Son,” was his decree, “The One I love, who pleases me.” The Father’s word, the Spirit’s flight Anointed you in glorious sight As God’s own choice, from Adam’s fall To save the world and free us all. O Spirit, make me resolute: This man is Christ, my substitute! You came on him in Jordan’s stream. The Father called him Lord supreme. Amen. Romans 1:28 –32 And because t...

daily reading 2.5 (Romans 1:26–27)

5-days-a-week through Romans and the letters Paul wrote from Rome in 2024 Our opening prayer for this week: As with gladness, men of old Did the guiding star behold As with joy they hailed its light Leading onward, beaming bright So, most glorious Lord, may we Evermore your followers be. As with joyful steps they sped To that lowly manger bed There to bend the knee before You whom heaven and earth adore; So may we with willing feet Ever seek your mercy seat. As they offered gifts most rare At that manger rude and bare; So may we with holy joy, Pure and free from sin’s alloy, All our costliest treasures bring, Christ, to you, our heavenly King. Holy Jesus, every day Keep us in the narrow way; And, when earthly things are past, Bring our ransomed souls at last Where they need no star to guide, Where no clouds your glory hide. In the heavenly country bright, We will not need sun or light; You its Light, its Joy, its Crown, You its Sun not going down; There forever may we sing Alleluias to...

daily reading 2.3 (Romans 1:21–23)

5-days-a-week through Romans and the letters Paul wrote from Rome in 2024 Our opening prayer for this week: As with gladness, men of old Did the guiding star behold As with joy they hailed its light Leading onward, beaming bright So, most glorious Lord, may we Evermore your followers be. As with joyful steps they sped To that lowly manger bed There to bend the knee before You whom heaven and earth adore; So may we with willing feet Ever seek your mercy seat. As they offered gifts most rare At that manger rude and bare; So may we with holy joy, Pure and free from sin’s alloy, All our costliest treasures bring, Christ, to you, our heavenly King. Holy Jesus, every day Keep us in the narrow way; And, when earthly things are past, Bring our ransomed souls at last Where they need no star to guide, Where no clouds your glory hide. In the heavenly country bright, We will not need sun or light; You its Light, its Joy, its Crown, You its Sun not going down; There forever may we sing Alleluias to...